Report on the Gender Pay Gap at Dornan

Dornan is a provider of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation engineering services to the construction industry. Dornan welcomes Gender Pay Gap Reporting; it is highlighting a critical area of our industry and an important step in encouraging change for the future.

Gender Pay Gap legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing the difference between the average earnings of men and women within our business.

Gender pay gap is different to equal pay. The gender pay gap shows the difference in average pay between men and women. Equal pay requires that men and women who carry out the same or similar jobs; or work of equal value, are paid the same.

In Dornan, we review pay to ensure that there is consistency between roles and employees within roles; in this regard, we believe we are an equal and fair employer.

We believe that, at Dornan, we do not have an issue in terms of pay equality, but the relatively low number of women in our business overall and the lack of representation in our senior management levels is a significant challenge.

Our Business

Dornan has become a trusted building services engineer to developers of valuable office, retail, and mixed-use projects in some of the world’s great commercial centres.

We design and install customised solutions for all the mechanical, HVAC, electrical and instrumentation systems required for the most complex research and production processes.

Dornan has a thorough understanding of the technical issues involved in designing the data centres on which we all now depend. We are specialists in installing the HVAC, humidification, dehumidification, and pressurisation equipment that keep these facilities running at optimum efficiency, and in designing the power switching optionality that ensures uninterrupted service.

The renewable energy boom has been good for Dornan. We have been able to prove our ability to design, specify and install complex infrastructures for the networks of substations and distribution centres that make individual sites economically viable.


Gender Balance    


UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting

This Gender Pay Gap Report is based on data as of 5th April 2024.


Male 84%  Female 16%

The Figures set out below have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Category Percentage
The Mean Gender Pay Gap  43.8%
The Median Gender Pay Gap  35.5%
The Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap  57.4%
The Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap  30.6%
The Proportion of Males Receiving a Bonus Payment  75.23%
The Proportion of Females Receiving a Bonus Payment  80.0%


Pay Quartiles by Gender

Band Males Females Description
A 93.7% 6.3% Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them at or below the lower quartile
B 93.7% 6.3% Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the lower quartile but at or below the median
C 75% 25% Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the median but at or below the upper quartile
D 75% 25% Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the upper quartile

Ireland Gender Pay Gap Reporting

This Gender Pay Gap Report is based on data as of 30th June 2024.


Male 81%  Female 19%

The Figures set out below have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Employment Equality Act 1998 (Section 20A) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2022

Category Percentage
The Mean Gender Pay Gap 14.11%
The Median Gender Pay Gap 25.77%
The Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap 68.84%
The Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap 78.38%
The Part Time Employee Mean Gender Pay Gap -30.5%
The Part Time Employee Median Gender Pay Gap -32.21%
The Proportion of Males Receiving a Bonus 68.84%
The Proportion of Females Receiving a Bonus 78.38%
The Proportion of Males Receiving BIK 27.80%
The Proportion of Females Receiving BIK 8.89%


Quartile Males Females Description
A (Lower) 71.51% 28.49% the lower remuneration quartile pay band,
B (Lower Middle) 77.30% 22.70% the lower middle remuneration quartile pay band
C (Upper Middle) 84.32% 15.68% the upper middle remuneration quartile pay band
D (Upper) 94.05% 5.95% the upper remuneration quartile pay band


Dornan is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability.

There is a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their sex (or any other characteristic set out above).


What is Dornan doing to address its Gender Pay Gap?

Dornan is successful in attracting female applicants for roles in its support functions. However, the proportion of women applying for operational, technical, and senior management roles is relatively small.

It is the belief that the reason for this is that in general, Construction and Engineering do not attract females into the industry.

Dornan is fully committed to promote gender diversity in all areas of its workforce including the following:

  • Promoting Dornan, the construction and engineering industry in general, as an attractive career prospect regardless of gender at various educational establishments and job fairs
  • Encouraging females to apply for Dornan’s various positions, this is done through our engagement with local colleges and universities
  • We have partnered with Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to further promote the inclusion of woman in engineering by engaging with local schools and promoting STEM subjects and partake in International Women in Engineering Day.
  • We continue to run events through our Women@Dornan Network with the main aim to create a positive, supportive, and collaborative environment to progress gender equality in construction.
  • We have also signed up to the Inspiring Women in Construction Pledge with the main focus and aim to reducing the gender pay gap within the Company, attract, develop, and promote more woman within the Company and industry.
  • We have engaged with local primary schools to launch our “Engineering in a Box” initiative where students of 4th to 6th class are provided with a box containing some fun STEM challenges.


It is important for the business to attract more women into Dornan who wish to be able to build long-term careers with us. We continue to focus on attracting new graduates and a more diverse team of apprentices as well as engaging with our various partners to attract more females to engineering and operational roles.

We intend to broaden the relationships we have with existing universities, colleges, and schools, whilst approaching a new array of educational establishments. We will make greater use of our successful women apprentices and graduates to show-case the range of opportunities that exist within the company. We are continuously reviewing our company policies, with a view to ensure that they are balanced and accommodate the needs of our employees within the company.

We at Dornan understand that this is not something that we can fix in the short term but are looking to address in the medium to long term. We will review our recruitment practices and any future graduate or apprentice programs we deliver, we will together with our female employees show-case their success and experience in the construction sector while also looking at how we can attract more females for our programs in the future.

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